Reference ZenDesk: 1929435
Description: We received a client request to generate a report with the below parameters for the client
* Firstname
* Lastname
* Employee ID
* User Rights
* Date Access was granted
* Last login date
* Active Status
Run the below script on SQLPVReloAccess
select c.cont_uid, c.cont_fname as [FirstName]
, C.cont_lname as [LastName]
,sso.SSOIdentity as [EmployeeID]
,O.org_name as RestrictDivisionName
from contact c
left join GRS_OE_RBS_User ru on c.cont_uid = ru.cont_uid
left join grs_oev_SSOIdentity sso on c.cont_uid =
left join GRS_OE_DataSecurity_Filters df on c.cont_uid = df.cont_uid
left join organization O on df.filterValue = O.org_uid and df.filterName = 'Division'
where c.cont_org_uid in (select org_uid from organization where org_root_uid = 189125)
Highlight all fields and headers and paste into an Excel file for the requestor
BGRS Users who can access the client
select distinct * from cc with (readuncommitted)
inner join contact_team ct with (readuncommitted) on ct.cont_uid = cc.cont_uid
ct.cont_team in ('c340') --replace C340 with code for team that client is assigned to . Values in Code table
and cc.cont_status = 'A'