Applies to:
Consultants working in Zendesk (dual email addresses).
Step 1: Input your Out of Office message
Open your Zendesk Profile tab by clicking on the avatar in the top-right corner
Scroll down the OOO section:
Copy and paste this message into the "Out of office" text field and edit the return day and time:
Dear Sender:
Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office returning on [day], [date] and my emails will be monitored during my absence during business hours. In case of an urgent matter please type URGENT in the BODY of the email or, contact our Global Mobility Support team at 1-866-512-5771 or 1-613-366-8355 for assistance.
Otherwise, I will respond as soon as possible upon my return. Thank you for partnering with us and for your continued support.
- Do not add your signature under your OOO message (see Tips section below)
- Do not mention any other Zendesk email addresses, such as another Consultants Zendesk email or the GCS email address (Why? See Tips section below)
- Do not state "put urgent in the subject line" (see Tips section below)
Step 2: Turn on OOO message
This step must be completed to activate the OOO message:
- On your profile, click the "Send OOO message" checkbox and check the box.
Step 3: Turn off OOO message
Follow these steps once you have returned to work:
- On your profile, click the "Send OOO message" checkbox and uncheck the box.
Do not include another consultant's Zendesk email address or the GCS email (phone number can be listed instead).
- Why? If the customer forwards the communication string to another consultant using Zendesk or to GCS, a new ticket will not be created; the existing ticket will be updated instead.
- Do not add your "signature" to your OOO message as that will be added automatically under your OOO message.
- Do not state "put urgent in the subject line" as these do not get routed unless it is in the body of the email