Reference Ticket: 1431572
Description: Relocation consultant was receiving "Server Error in '/Fwsheet' Application" while accessing the Financial Worksheet > Entitlement Calculator for transferee file CFI 202100018". Agent informed they cannot select any category except Administrative without erroring.
This issue was quite difficult to troubleshoot as the error was not specific as to which value was "NULL". In my troubleshooting I enabled SQL profile and replicated the steps performed by the agent
1. Login to iZone
2. Search for member file CFI 202100018
3. Click on Financial Worksheet
4. Select the Worksheet on file and click Modify
5. Click on the Entitlement Calculator and select a category other than Administrative
In the trace log I found that the below command was returning an error referencing line 368 in store procedure FWGetEntry.:
exec FWGetEntry @FileNo='CFI 202100018',@Version=1,@TemplateID='TBSGCRSS02',@FundingType='T012',@Category='G05',@OnlyDefault=0
I opened the store procedure code and found that the below query was returning NULL values
declare @effectDate datetime
select @effectDate = MIN(pa.effect_dt)
from projlisa pa
inner join projlist pl
on pa.projectid = pl.projectid
and pa.srcerecid = pl.record_id
where pa.projectid = 'CFI 202100018'
and pa.expiry_dt = (Select MAX(expiry_dt)
from projlist
where projectid = 'CFI 202100018')
I've separated the join command and was able to receive results and noted in PORJLISA the column commrate1 (Commission Rate) was set to 5000% which is in validate the value should be 0-100%
select top 10 * from PROJLISA where projectid = 'CFI 202100018'
select top 10 * from PROJLIST where projectid = 'CFI 202100018'
Instructed the agent to connect with the realtor to validate their true commission rate. Once received the agent went into iZone>Open Member File > Property > Listing and updated the "Commission rate 1 to 5%.
Validate the new commrate1 of 5%
select top 10 * from PROJLISA where projectid = 'CFI 202100018'
We went back into Financial Worksheet > Entitlement Calculator and confirmed we can access all categories.