Reference ZenDesk Incident: 137143 Update appraisal module error NPB 202000005
Description: When agents access the Appraisals Module in iZone for member file NPB 202000005 they receive an error message stating “Invalid Entry – Please try again”
Validated that the member has selected a supplier to perform appraisal by going into the “Supplier” module under File Profile.
The agent has mentioned that the services have already been perform and they are attempting to access the Appraisal Module to see the appraisal report details.
Login to SQL\IRP
-- validate suppliers account is active in system
select top 10 * from vendrep where lastname='Whitman' and firstname='craig'
I’ve turned on SQL profiler and logged the process while attempting to access the Appraisals menu
select isnull(, p.npfirm + '(NP)') as [Firm Name], isnull(r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastName,p.NPSupplier + '(NP)') as Supplier , isnull(p.Choice,'') as "Choice #", p.Record_id as "ID" from projvend p left join vendoff o on p.vendoffid = o.vendoffid left join vendrep r on p.vendrepid = r.vendrepid and o.vendoffid = r.vendoffid where p.locationid = 'O' and (p.xreftbl is null) and p.vendtype ='AC' and p.projectid = 'NPB 202000005'
--Displays the appraisers that the member has added to the file
select projappr.projectid as "File # ", isnull(,projvend.npfirm) as "Office", isnull(ltrim(rtrim(vendrep.firstname)) + ' ' + vendrep.lastname, npsupplier) as "Appraiser / Agent", projappr.currvalue as "Market Value Amount", projappr.lowvalue as "Low Amount", projappr.hivalue as "High Amount", projappr.type as "Type", projappr.ordered_dt as "Ordered Date", projappr.inspect_dt as "Date Inspected", projappr.verbal_dt as "Verbal Received Date", projappr.report_dt as "Written Received Date", vendrep.firstname, vendrep.lastname,projvend.inprogram, projappr.bropinion, projvend.selectby, projappr.qualrooms, vendoff.vendoffid as "VENDOFFvendoffid", vendrep.vendrepid as "VENDREPvendrepid", projappr.record_id as "PROJAPPRrecord_id", projvend.record_id as "PROJVENDrecord_id", projvend.vendcoid as "PROJVENDvendcoid" from trmaster, projappr left join projvend on projvend.srcerecid =projappr.record_id and projvend.xreftbl = 'projappr' and projvend.projectid = projappr.projectid left join vendrep on projvend.vendrepid = vendrep.vendrepid left join vendoff on projvend.vendoffid = vendoff.vendoffid , trmaster t, client c, UserClientAccessRights ur where t.projectid=projappr.projectid and t.clientid = c.clientid and ur.clientGroup = c.clientGroup and ur.userid=dbo.GetUserID(NULL) and trmaster.projectid=projappr.projectid and trmaster.syscode = 'F' and projappr.projectid = 'NPB 202000005' and trmaster.projectid = 'NPB 202000005'
--No details returned from query
--This table should display the appraiser report data
select * from projappr where projectid='NPB 202000005'
I’ve connected with Dev Team and appears this was a one-off glitch where the appraisal report data was not populated in “projappr”
The proposed solution is to create a manual insert into the table proappr
use irp
begin tran
insert into projappr (projectid,bropinion,ordered_dt,update_dt,opid,type,lowvalue,hivalue,currvalue,qualrooms,include_in_avg)
('NPB 202000005',0,cast (getdate () as date),getdate(),'slumbania','S',0,0,0,0,1)
if @@ERROR > 0 or @@ROWCOUNT <> 1
Once the DBCR has been applied go back into the members file and click on Appraisal Module. You will now see the below window appear.