Reference ZenDesk Ticket: 1215887
Description: Wax Prime e-invoices in Azure were not integrating into Novus . This issue was accidentally caused due to a miscommunication where Wax & Azure were pointed to the 002 instance of the Service Bus while OnePlan was pointed to the 001.
In order to process the backlog of e-invoices we had to point our Azure Service Bus to 002, allow all invoices to integrate and then switch back to 001.
Steps to change the configuration settings from Service Bus connect-sb-prod001 to Service Bus connect-sb-prod002
Step 1:
Login to HOUAPPPV081
Disable the Windows Task- DigitalPrimeInbound and check the Task Manager for any existing running instance of BGRSPrimeInbound. If it is there, kill that instance from the task manager.
Step 2:
Take the backup of the appsettings.json file from the location: C:\DigitalPrime\DigitalPrimeImport
Step 3:
Change the settings of Service Bus Endpoint, Storage Account and SAS Token from PROD001 to PROD002 on the “DigitalPrimeImport“config File as mentioned below:
Locations - C:\DigitalPrime\DigitalPrimeImport\appsettings.json
- Setting Name – ServiceBusConnectionString
PROD001 Endpoint:
- Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=prime-inbound;SharedAccessKey=rxTVmG+9ETNDXZYK/1V+h5Eljv3ekpYY2ChCp6lIc1Q=
PROD002 Endpoint:
- Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=prime-inbound;SharedAccessKey=g+bU7YRsU7ZQ+mtpFXBXsaJJ2lu0hIlpCBUNnJmrKYA=
- Setting Name- StorageAcctName
PROD001 Storage Account Name:
- connectstorprod001
PROD002 Storage Account Name
- connectstorprod002
- Setting Name- SaSToken
PROD001 SaS Token:
PROD002 SaS Token:
Step 4:
Enable the Windows Task- DigitalPrimeInbound and right click on the job and click Run
Step 5:
Login to Azure: Sign in to Microsoft Azure ( using your admin account example
Click on Service Bus and ensure Subscription = All.
Click on Connect-sb-prod002
Under the Entities menu click on Queues and select sbq-xchange-prime-inbound
Once all the messages are received ensure the message count on Azure Queue changes to Zero.
Step 6:
Disable the Windows Task- DigitalPrimeInbound and check the Task Manager for any existing running instance of BGRSPrimeInbound. If it is there, kill that instance from the task manager.
Step 7:
Restore the backup of the appsettings.json file taken at the beginning of the document.
Step 8:
Enable the Windows Task- DigitalPrimeInbound and right click on the job and click Run