What do the codes mean in STS?
STS Service Code | Explanation of the Code |
ADVC | Advanced Charge |
AKCO | Alaskan Cartage Above Min Miles |
AKCR | Alaskan Cartage |
AKDT | Alaskan Excessive Distance Carry |
AKLB | Alaskan Labor |
AKLD | Alaskan Overtime Load/Unload |
AKTN | Alaskan Transportation |
APLS | Appliance Service |
APPT | Time Definite Delivery |
ARPU | Airline Pack/Unpack |
ATCA | Add’l Trans Charge-ATCA |
ATCB | Add’l Trans Charge-ATCB |
ATDL | Attempted Delivery |
ATPU | Attempted Pick-up |
AUXE | Auxiliary Extraction Service |
AUXF | Auxiliary Service Flat Charge |
AUXS | Auxiliary Shuttle Service |
BACK | Backweigh Supervision |
BALA | Balance of Alaskan Water Trans |
BALD | Balance Due |
BASV | Booker Agent Service |
BCIF | BKR Contribution-HLR Fund |
BILL | CBS Billed Amount |
BIPD | BI & PD Vanrail Shuttle |
BKCM | Manual Booking Compensation |
BKCR | Booker Interest Credit |
BKED | Insurance Escro Liability Debit |
BKFE | Booker Fee |
BKPF | Booker AVCO/CC Fee |
BKRF | Booker Referral |
BKSV | Booker Service Revenue |
BNDL | Bundled Service Orig/Dest |
BNSH | BNDL Comp Override |
BULK | Bulky Article |
BVAR | Bottomline Variance |
CADA | Cart Add’l Driver ACC |
CARO | Cartage Over Minimum Miles |
CARR | GPP SIT Chargeback Cartage |
CART | Cartage |
CATX | California Sales Tax |
CBS | CBS Service Fee |
CCPF | AVCO/CC Processing Fee |
CGPV | Contract GPP Variance |
CHAR | Charitable Contribution |
CHBK | Chargeback Non-Payment |
CIRS | Cartage INS Related S/C |
CIRX | INS S/C-Cartage X-Ratio |
CLIM | Climatic Control |
COCC | Complete Occupancy |
CODS | Item 29 Service Fee |
CONT | Container |
CPUC | Cont/Pack/UNPK Charge |
CPUU | Unpacking Ledger |
CSUR | Cartage Fuel Surcharge |
CTSR | Contract Service |
CTSR | Contract Service |
CTSV | Contract SVC |
CTSV | Contract Service Comp |
CUST | Customer Dispute Resolution |
DACP | Manual Destination Compensations |
DAPF | Dest Agent AVCO/CC Fee |
DASV | Destination Agent Service |
DBRI | Debris Pick-Up |
DEST | Destination Services |
DIST | Excessive Distance Carry |
DIVR | Diversion |
DSLC | Depreciated Value-SIT |
DSLX | Excess Depreciated Value - SIT |
DVP | Declared Value Protection |
DVPE | Declared Value Protection Extraction |
DVSC | Depreciated Value Service |
DVSX | Excess Depreciated Value SVC |
EASV | Estimating Agent Service |
EBKR | Estimating Booker Compensation |
ECP | Extra Care Protection |
ECPE | Extra Care Protection Extraction |
ELEV | Elevator Carry |
EMPT | Empty Mileage |
ENCL | Enclosed Vehicle |
EQCH | Equipment Charge |
ESVR | Estimating Agent Variance |
EVD | Earned Volume Discount |
EXIM | Export/Import Charge |
EXMV | Executive Move Service |
EXPD | Extra Pickup and Deliver |
EXPQ | Quebec Surcharge |
EXRA | Allied Expense Ratio |
EXST | Extra Pickup/Delivery |
EXTL | Extended Delivery |
EXTR | Exterior Dimensions |
FBSC | Bridge/Toll-Ferry Service |
FRDB | Contract Distribution |
FRDB | Contract Distribution |
FREX | Contract Extraction |
FREX | Contract Extraction |
FSUR | Fuel Surcharge |
FVAL | Free Valuation |
FVC | Full Value Protection SIT |
FVCX | Excess Full Value Protection SIT |
FVP | Full Value Protection |
FVPE | Full Value Protection Extraction |
FVPX | Excess Full Value Protection |
GSSC | GSA Shipment Charge |
GSSE | GSA Shipment Charge Extraction |
HAUL | Hauling |
HLCP | Manual Hauling Compensation |
HLPF | Hauler AVCO/CC Fee |
HOIS | Hoisting |
INDL | Inside Delivery |
INPU | Inside Pickup |
IRSR | GPP SIT Chargeback-IRS |
IRST | IRS Customer CHG-L/?H |
IRSV | IRS Customer CHG-Auto |
IRSW | IRS-Customer CHG - Water |
IVEF | Interior Van Equipment Fund |
I29C | Item 29 Credit |
I29D | Item 29 Collection |
I29S | Item 29 Service Fee |
LABR | Labor |
LDAC | Load Accessorial |
LDRC | Late Delivery Reduction Charge |
LEDG | AVL Ledger |
LHFC | Add’l Line Haul Service |
LOAD | Load |
LSTG | Local Storage |
LUSA | Load/Unload Southeast Alaska |
MAXT | MAX4 MAX Tariff Exception |
MGDC | Managed Company Fee |
MIN | Minimum Adjustment Penalty |
MINI | 500# Minimum, HLR at Fault |
MKTG | Allied Marketing Fund |
MMFE | MTMC MGMT Fee Extraction |
MSC | Metro Service Charge |
MSTC | Misc. Tariff Charge |
MVP | Maximum Value Protection |
MVPE | Maximum Value Protection Ext On |
MXPK | Maxpack |
NEGO | Negotiated Amount |
NTSP | Non-Temp Storage Charge |
OACP | Manual Origin Compensation |
OAPF | Origin Agent AVCO/CC Fee |
OASA | Out of Area Agreement |
OASV | Origin Agent Service |
ODSF | Origin/Destination Service Fee |
OPCK | Overtime Packing |
ORPU | Origin Pickup - Credit/Debit |
OSC | Origin Service Commission |
OSLU | Overtime SPD Load/Unload |
OTCT | Overtime Cartage |
OTLU | Overtime Load/Unload |
OTSP | On the Spot Pricing |
OVPY | Overpayment |
PACK | Packing |
PAPR | Special SVCS (Paper & Padding) |
PAY | Payment |
PCAR | Cartage/Permanent Storage |
PETS | Pet Service |
PGLA | Pricing Guidelines |
PGLB | Booker Price G/L Adjustment |
PGLH | Hauler Price G/L Adjustment |
PKCM | Packing Commission |
PKMC | Packing Material |
PKMD | Packing Material Delivery |
PKMT | Packing Material |
PKPO | Packing Payout |
PLHE | Pack/Load/Haul Estimate |
PMST | Permanent Storage |
PNOE | Piano Carry - Elevator |
PNOS | Piano Carry - Stairs |
PNOX | CA Intra Piano Extra Steps |
POSD | Repositioning Fund Debit |
POSI | Repositioning Fund |
PPPD | Pre-Pay Penalty Rule 36 |
PTHA | Port Handler (At Port of Arrival) |
PTHD | Port Handler (At Port of Departure) |
PTLU | Pier-Dock-Wharve Load/Unload |
PVAL | Payout Valuation |
QUOT | Quote Date |
RALD | Reporting Accessorial Load |
RAUN | Reporting Accessorial UNLD |
REPO | Repositioning Charge |
RESS | Residential Service |
REWH | Re-Weigh |
RFND | Refund |
RL05 | Late Paperwork Rule 12B2A1 |
RL10 | Processing Penalty |
RL26 | Untimely Distribution by AVL |
RL29 | Untimely Notice of COLL’N by Whse Agent |
RL30 | Reconstruct Penalty |
RRUL | Reverse Rule 19/Delivery |
PR19 | Reverse Rule 19/Delivery |
RUL | Rule 19 Pick-up/Origin |
RUL5 | Rule 5 Violation |
R12B | Rule 12(B)(3) BKR Credit |
R12D | Rule 12(B)(#) Penalty |
R19 | Rule 19 Pick Up/Origin |
R19A | Rule 19 Debit-Allied |
R19B | Rule 19 Debit-Booker |
R19D | Rule 19 Hauler Chargeback |
R19H | Rule 19 Debit Hauler Chargeback |
R19M | R19 M2 |
SCSV | Special Contract Services |
SETO | Set Off |
SFAV | Shuttle Fund - Allied |
SFBA | Shuttle Fund - Booker |
SFHL | Shuttle Fund - Hauler |
SFND | Shuttle Fund - Credit |
SFPK | SFR Cont/Pack |
SFR | Single Factor Charge |
SFRA | SFR Distribution - AVL |
SFRB | SPF Distribution - BKR |
SFRH | SFR Distribution - HLR |
SFRL | SFR Balance Ledger |
SFRO | SFR Distribution - O/A |
SFSP | Short Pay Reserve Fund |
SHCH | ShortHaul Service |
SHIP | Shipment Level Discounts |
SHLD | Shuttle Load Compensation |
SHPC | Shipment Charge |
SHUL | Shuttle Unload Compensation |
SITC | Storage In Transit |
SITE | Export/Import Related SIT |
SITV | SIT Valuation |
SMSS | Small Shipment Charge |
SPAC | Space Reservation |
SPAD | Shipment Padding |
SPAY | Short Pay Reserve Fund |
SPBK | Split Booking |
SPSD | Driver Hauler-Empty |
SPSJ | Authorized Pick-up |
SPSN | Driver Load Assistance |
SPSP | Driver Unload Assistance |
SPSR | Authorized Delivery |
SPSY | Set-Off |
SSFC | Shipment Service Charge |
SSPS | Small Shipment Priority Schedule |
SSS | Signature Security |
SSTP | Single Factor SIT Related Payout |
STAR | Stair Carry |
STAX | NY State Fee/Tax |
STGS | GPP SIT Chargeback STG |
STGW | GPP SIT Chargeback WHSE |
SVAR | Storage Variance |
SVPR | Carrier Supervision Shipments-on-Tour |
SWRP | Stretch Wrap Service |
TADA | Tran ADDL Driver ACC |
TAPE | Tape |
TBPD | BIPD Parent Service |
TCSF | Texas Cartage Fuel Surcharge |
TDCF | Texas Destination Carry Fund |
TFSR | Texas Fuel Surcharge |
TG | Transit Guide |
TIRS | Trans INS Related S/C |
TIRX | INS Surcharge - L/H X-Ratio |
TOLL | Tolls |
TRAN | Transportation |
TXES | Texas Extended Insurance |
TXPN | Texas Penalty - Late PPRS |
UNAC | Unload Accessorial |
UNCC | Contract UNPKG Allowance |
UNLD | Unload |
UNPC | Contract Unpacking Charge |
UNPK | Unpacking |
UNPO | Unpacking Payout |
UNPS | Unpacking Charge |
UPCK | Overtime Unpacking |
UPGR | PPWK Requirement Penalty |
VALE | Excess Base Liability Extraction |
VALU | Base Liability |
VCFS | Vehicle Cartage Fuel Surcharge |
VCRO | Vehicle Cartage Over 30 Miles |
VCRS | Vehicle Cartage Insurance Surcharge |
VCRT | Vehicle Cartage |
VDVP | Vehicle Declared Value Protection |
VECP | Vehicle Declared Value Protection |
VIRS | Vehicle Trans Insurance Related Surcharge |
VIRX | Insurance Surcharge - Vehicle X-Ratio |
VOTL | Vehicle Overtime Load/Unload |
VREP | Vehicle Repositioning Charge |
VRLD | Vanrail Load Compensation |
VRUL | Vanrail Unload Compensation |
VSIT | Vehicle Storage |
VSTV | Vehicle Storage-In-Transit Valuation |
VSUR | Vehicle Trans Fuel Related Surcharge |
VTRN | Vehicle Transportation |
WAIT | Waiting Time (Vehicle) |
WATR | Alaskan Water Trans |
WFSR | Water Fuel Surcharge |
WGTA | Weight Additive |
WGTV | Weight Variance |
WHPD | W/H Pickup & Delivery Flat Charge |
WHPS | WHSE Hand - Permanent Storage |
WIRS | Water Insurance Surcharge |
WIRX | INS S/C - Water X-Ratio |
WRAP | Special SVCS (Wrapping & Metal Banding) |
WTMN | 500# Minimum, No Fault |
XDRV | Extra Driver |
XMLG | Excess Mileage |
XSHO | Trade Show Service Charge(2nd) |
XSVC | Expedited Service |
XTRC | Extraction Service |
XTR1 | Contract Extraction Service 1 |
XTR2 | Contract Extraction Service 2 |
XTR3 | Contract Extraction Service 3 |
XTR4 | Contract Extraction Service 4 |
XUSE | Exclusive Vehicle Use |
ZON | S/D Scheduling Zone |