How do I use the Function Keys in STS?
Standard function keys are defined by the mainframe and perform the same function for every screen in STS.
Tab Key
Pressing the Tab key to move to the following enterable field
Shift + Tab Key
Pressing the Shift + Tab key to move to the previous enterable field
Pressing the Enter key will allow the entered data to be saved. If the data was saved successfully, the system will display the message across the bottom of the screen I2002 – Processing Completed Successfully
Home Key
Pressing the Home key will navigate you to your FastPath
Arrow Keys
Pressing the Right and Left Arrow keys only work within a field.
Control (CTRL)
The return key is replaced by pressing CTRL on the right side of the keyboard.
F1: Screen Help
Pressing F1 from any field displays a brief description of the field in which F1 was initiated.
F2: Field Values (Tabled Codes)
Pressing F2 in most fields with an (*) displays a code table from which a value may be selected. To enter one of the options, type the number in the selection field and press Enter. The system will return the value to the original screen.
F3: Previous Screen
Pressing F3 returns the user to the previous screen
F4: More Messages
Pressing F4 displays additional messages. There is room at the bottom of the screen for only one message line. If the system has more than one message to display, More will appear on the right side of the message line.
When F4 is pressed, all messages will display.
F5/F6: Previous/Next Record
Press F5 and F6 to scroll through multiple records. Certain screens may contain more than one record. In this case, the system may display a message
To see the next record, use F6. The system will continue to display all available records. If F6 is pressed and there are no more records to display, they system will display the message I2004 - END OF DATA to indicate the last record has been reached.
To see the previous record, use F5. If F5 is pressed and there are no more records to display, the system will display the misses i2005 – BEGINNING OF DATA to indicate the first record has been reached.
F7/F8: Page UP/Page Down (Scroll Up/Scroll Down)
Pressing F7 and F8 views a listing page by page. Certain screens may contain more than one page. In this case, the system may display a message.
To see the next page, use F8. The system will continue to display all available pages. If F8 is pressed and there are no more pages to display, the system will display the moves I2004 – END OF DATA to indicate the last page has been reached.
To see the previous page, use F7. If F7 is pressed, there are no more pages to display. The system will display the message I2005- BEGINNING OF DATA to indicate the first page has been reached.
F10: Refresh Screen
Pressing F10 to clear some or all of the information displayed on the screen
F13 (Shift+F1): Screen Help
Pressing F13 on any screen displays the help screen.
F15(Shift+F3) Main Menu
Pressing F15 navigates directly to the main menu screen, MAIN000.